Thursday, December 4, 2008

The environment around the site is very energetic; River Gilgit (one of the main tributaries to River Indus) flows by it. This river is frozen for two months of the year while being active during the rest of the year. Khaplu village relies on the river for drinking water irrigation and energy.
This project deals with various aspects and attempts to answer questions such as:

How is this architecture site specific?
What kind of future ecologies might emerge from this system?
What type of occupancy is suitable for areas prone to landslides and earthquakes?
If this active environment is provided with appropriate set of tools, can it create its own architecture?
How is a cyborgian system a better choice than manmade system for a site which is highly restless?
Is it better to impose preconceived architecture on the site or is it better to let the architecture emerge from the environment?

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