Thursday, December 4, 2008

A certain set of relationships can be established using this data:

· Earth quakes occur regularly in and around the site, this can be seen from table 1

· Table 3 shows patterns of landslide occurrences, showing that the landslide season keeps slowly shifting but it can safely be concluded that landslides mainly occur during July, August, September and October. From table 5 we see that even though there is no shortage of precipitation throughout the year most of the rainfall occurs during April, May, June, July and August. And connecting table 2 and table 5 we can see that heavy rain during these months act as a catalyst to these landslides.

· Table 2 shows the composition of the terrain and rock size categorization. We can see that there is large percentage of loose particles and rocks on the surface which make the surface volatile.

· From table 4 we can understand that the river remains frozen in December and January.

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